The Making of a Literacy Superbrand
Cambium is creating a literacy superbrand through the coming together of Lexia Learning and Voyager Sopris Learning that will live under the Lexia Learning name.
This tumultuous year has emphasized the importance of having proven, innovative digital literacy solutions and professional learning services that help both students and teachers now, in this moment. As such, I am thrilled about Cambium’s latest announcement that we are creating a literacy superbrand through the coming together of Lexia Learning and Voyager Sopris Learning that will live under the Lexia Learning name.
So, how did we get here? Some of you might remember that back in October of 2020, Cambium acquired Rosetta Stone to expand our digital-centric portfolio of companies. Rosetta Stone is an incredible company, but our acquisition was careful and intentional as we knew Lexia Learning would fit seamlessly into our portfolio of digital learning solutions for the K-12 audience. We began to integrate Lexia Learning with Voyager Sopris right away, and in October Cambium entered into a definitive agreement with IXL Learning to sell the remaining Rosetta Stone Languages business.
We felt confident in combining Lexia Learning with Voyager Sopris Learning because both of these brands stand for the Structured Literacy approach to teaching reading instruction and they both deliver consistently powerful results. Most recently, over the past three years Lexia Learning’s bookings grew nearly 3X, while LETRS, Voyager Sopris Learning’s market-leading professional learning solution, grew nearly 6X. These statistics only highlight the amazing opportunity we have now with the literacy superbrand, and I am so eager to see how bringing these two powerhouse brands together will continue to make a meaningful difference in the lives of students and educators.
The president of the combined organization is Nick Gaehde, who joined Lexia Learning in 2005. I have the utmost trust and respect for Nick, and have no doubt that he will take advantage of this new chapter for Lexia and work to reach more learners and empower educators. The new company will cover the full literacy spectrum, including K-5, intervention, assessment and professional learning for teachers. The superbrand will also have support for English language learners as an “on-ramp” to literacy.
Building Cambium’s literacy portfolio is something I’ve been focused on during my years as CEO, and this new addition — which will be getting a new brand identity this year — is an important moment, not just for Cambium, but for the teachers and students we serve.